21st to 22nd June – Sidewalk Astronomy

On Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd June, members of the Western Sydney Amateur Astronomy Group (WSAAG) will take their telescopes out of the observatory grounds and into the streets of Katoomba. High powered telescopes will be set up in Carrington Place complete with solar filters so that the sun may be viewed safely. Find out more about WSAAG.

WSAAG will stay with the festival crowds throughout the day pointing out solar flares and sunspots on the sun. In the evening, the lens will be changed on the telescopes to view the moon, visible planets, nebulas and star clusters.

See the universe’s amazing energy source safely. The Sun, our source of light, warmth and life itself is 149,597,890 kilometres away but through the lens of a telescope it will seem so close that you can touch it. Watch for sun spots and solar flares. Our experts will show us what to look for and explain what you are seeing. They will be a ‘down to earth’ or as scientific as you wish.

The Winter Solstice is at exactly ‘9.59am’ on Saturday 21st June. You may be one of the lucky ones at the festival to be viewing the sun at the precise ‘moment of change’.

Watch the sun during the day and as the magnificient Carrington fireworks display and firetwirling fades from the night sky, gaze into the heavens to revel in the beauty and majesty of a cool, crisp mountain night.

What a perfect opportunity to explore the wonder of the heavens in the mountains during winter. All we need now are clear skies. At Winter Magic, all your dreams come true, so clear skies are predicted ahead.

For more information, go to the WSAAG website http://wsaag.org/index.php