Committee progress report, 14 May 2018
The new committee of Winter Magic was elected on 26 March 2018 and we have been busy, so we thought it was time to update the public about our progress towards relaunching Winter Magic on 22 June 2019.
So yes, that's the first piece of news – we are working very hard to ensure we are back on 22 June 2019. We have formally agreed to work with Blue Mountains Economic Enterprise to engage in a review of the festival and its governance and this process will hopefully result in a sustainable festival, as well as producing risk, traffic, and other management plans that will benefit all festivals and events in the Blue Mountains City Council LGA.
We have also done many things that are kind of nuts and bolts, like transferring all the business, books, website, and finances from the previous committee into the hands of the new committee. It all looks shipshape and we are so very grateful to previous committee members for their help and support.
We are currently conducting a membership review to ensure our association is constitutional. If you would like to be a member of the Winter Magic Festival Association, or want to confirm your membership, please email our secretary, Ian Dudley-Bestow, on [email protected] stating you would like to join, and he will tell you how to deposit the funds necessary to secure your membership – it's the princely sum of $2.
We have also done some important things as a committee. We have had four meetings over the last few weeks, one of which was a planning day for committee and association members (which included cake). The information we gathered on that day will be an invaluable guide for the committee as we begin shaping the new festival. (If you too would like some cake, please join and I'll make some more).
And we have agreed that I, the Winter Magic Festival president, will update you all regularly about what we are doing, on both this page and the website, so please, keep watching this space, and thanks for your support and interest.
Naomi Parry
President, Winter Magic Festival Association