We are recruiting!
The Winter Magic Festival Committee is in the process of finalising planning for the Festival's return on 22 June 2019 and now we need to find the people who will make it happen.
One of the most magical things about Winter Magic is that, for a quarter of a century, people have come together to make it happen. We need to find that magic again – will you come and be part of Katoomba's signature community and cultural event?
We need volunteers to fill the roles of Performance Coordinator (s), Community Arts Project Coordinator, and Media, Communications and Sponsorship Assistant. Volunteer roles provide the opportunity to gain important experience, and to support the premier arts and cultural event of Katoomba and the Greater Blue Mountains.
The Winter Magic Committee has good systems in place and can offer lots of support – all we need is the people to fill these crucial roles. Position descriptions are on the lefthand side bar of this site – click through for more information.